Looking To Grow Your Downline? This is Definitely for YOU!

The Blueprint Every Serious Network Marketer Needs!

Are You Ready To Level Up Your Lead and Recruiting SYSTEM to one that Brings A Steady Stream Of Downline Prospects Every Day?

 What's this all about?

Ever wonder how the BIG TIME Influencers get recruits and sales? 

It's definitely NOT sending mass messages begging for business! And it's NOT about the "numbers" game or "making that list of everyone you know"

Sound familiar? ...You sign up and you're told in order to find your prospects and grow your downline, make a list. It's all in the numbers so just message more people and followup followup followup!

Sure it can work … until it doesn’t and you're burnt out.

Then what?

What happens when you’ve already talked to everyone you know, tapped out your network, and become the person friends and family secretly hate to see coming?

You’ve already DM’ed, emailed, and cold-called everyone around you who didn't run....

So now what???

Nobody talks about what to do then....

Nice to meet you! I'm Sue Peters, digital marketing expert and coach helping women create wealth and freedom with real systems and automation! 

I've been in your shoes!! I was told to make a list, it's a numbers game, message more people - rinse and repeat. 

Look, I'll be honest, this method works - No disrespect to those who do it - that's just NOT how "I" wanted to build my business.

And because of this, I found myself wondering if Network Marketing was even right for me.

I started to think maybe I'm not cut out for this because I'm just not the "Hey Girl" type....


Here me out...

Because I finally realized this business is NOT broken...

Most uplines are just missing the right strategies - that's all!

I come from a business background. Before building my online business I owned a very successful mortgage company with my husband that we built from the ground up and I can tell you what we did NOT do.... We did NOT make a list, cold call, beg and nag, nor did we message a million people we didn't know.

We used MARKETING strategies. We gave VALUE to our clients. We created AUTOMATED SYSTEMS that built RELATIONSHIPS

I even did the same for my first online business in the health space when I shared solutions that I found with my own health. I didn't nag, beg, or spam people - I created value, provided a solution, and set it up with a system that put it in front of the RIGHT people!

Building these businesses came down to this: lead generation SYSTEMS!!!

So why would my Network Marketing business be any different? .....It's not!!

The Truth Is..

I didn't want to quit because I had a huge vision...

I also KNEW my products were incredible value.

I KNEW they were changing lives every day.

I even KNEW the opportunity could bring freedom and wealth to countless women.

I just needed to get the info in front of the RIGHT people. People who were interested so I didn't have to play the nag friends and family, message a million people game.

That's when I had the AHA to move into digital marketing and create a LEAD GENERATION SYSTEM for my network marketing business too. A system that would generate a steady stream of perfect prospects who WANTED to become my customer or be part of this adventure with me and join my downline.

And I want to share with you exactly how I did it!

Here's The Thing...

It’s not as complicated as people make it out to be.

In fact, if you’re ready to stop doing what DOESN’T work and Start doing what DOES so you can grow your team and your business...

And actually create the passive income 

and business you were expecting...

Then you need to check out my new course, 

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook.

It’s not as complicated as people make it out to be.

In fact, if you’re ready to stop doing what DOESN’T work and Start doing what DOES so you can grow your team and your business...

And actually create the passive income 

and business you were expecting...

Then you need to check out my new course, 

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook.

Here's What You'll Learn With The

Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook?

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook is my brand new masterclass where you will learn how to generate new leads every single day, WITHOUT messaging strangers or nagging friends and family.

This isn't about getting random people. It shows you how to find the perfect-fit. I can't wait to get you started with leads who are ready to join your team or purchase products. This is all about finding your tribe!

The masterclass and bonuses are in a private membership area and when you join you get instant access. This is where you will learn all the secrets of the top earners in the industry. No fluff and tons of value!

How to generate new leads every single day, WITHOUT messaging strangers or nagging friends and family

How to find the perfect-fit - not just random people but rather your tribe who is ready to join your team or purchase products.

How to expand your reach AND your income with influence! This is what passive income is all about - that's the power of influence and thinking BEYOND your Network Marketing Company.

How to duplicate this for your entire team. Learn how I hand over my entire system to my team so I NEVER have to tell them to make a list of 100 or to message anyone with a pulse!

You'll also have checklists, top strategies, and how to handle traffic to get the eye-balls on your stuff!

  • How to generate new leads every single day, WITHOUT messaging strangers or nagging friends and family.

  • How to find the perfect-fit - not just random people but rather your tribe who is ready to join your team or purchase products.

  • How to expand your reach AND your income with influence! Learn how to secure profitable partnerships which add value to followers and more money in your pocket. This is what passive income is all about - that's the power of influence and thinking BEYOND your Network Marketing Company

  • How to duplicate this for your entire team. Learn how I hand over my entire system to my team so I NEVER have to tell them to make a list of 100 or to message anyone with a pulse

  • You'll also have checklists, top strategies, and how to handle traffic to get the eye-balls on your stuff!

Here's What You Get With 

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook

The Masterclass...

This masterclass will show you how to put an end to endless hours of messaging and one on one prospecting. Talking one on one to people who have no interest is an absolute waste of time! Instead, I will teach you how top earners are working SMARTER not harder! No more "make a list of 100", it's a numbers game, or friend request everyone with a pulse. Attract people who WANT what you have and find your tribe of people who you vibe with and can rise to the top with!


Bonus #1

Influencer Marketing

Learn how to expand your reach AND your income with influence! In this special training, you will learn what the top influencers are doing to secure profitable partnerships which add value to followers and more money in your pocket. This is what passive income is all about - that's the power of influence.

Bonus #2

No brainer Follow-up System

As they say, fortune is in the follow-up and it's absolutely true BUT your follow-up should NOT be one on one and it also shouldn't be nagging. It should add value, it should be consistent and to save your sanity you want it to be automated. This bonus sets your follow-up up for success and even provides you the initial scripts!

Bonus #3

Prospect Funnel Checklist

I created The Prospect Funnel Checklist to make sure you have every single element you need for your lead generation system to be successful. If you want leads on auto-pilot you want to make sure you get this part right. I want to insure you have everything you need to succeed and no question this checklist will be a life saver.

Bonus #4

Downline Duplicator

If you don't have a system that you can duplicate for your team, you will struggle to grow. You can certainly add to it over time and you can grow together but when someone signs up and joins you it won't feel good to tell them to make a list and message anyone with a pulse. Learn how you can grow with real duplication. 

Bonus #5

Strategies From The Top

Those at the top got there by following some pretty incredible strategies and it definitely wasn't hounding friends and family until they caved. This incredible resource is going to give you the top tips real leaders use to grow massive teams and create real passive income with network marketing. 

Bonus #6

Traffic Magic

Once you have the systems within the Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook all set up you're going to need eye-balls. Chatting with the same people month after month won't cut it. I'll share with you the best strategies for traffic. Both organic and paid traffic so you can decide what's best for you and set yourself up for success!

Inside this perfect Blueprint, you’ll find EVERYTHING you need to set up, run, and even share a lead generation system based on the same systems Top Recruiters use …

… WITHOUT all the "Hey Girl" messages!

Save 84%....

  • Masterclass The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook Training ($197 value)
  • BONUS 1: Influencer Marketing ($47 value)
  • BONUS 2: No Brainer Followup System ($97 value)
  • BONUS 3: Prospect Funnel Checklist ($47 value)
  • ​BONUS 4: Downline Duplicator ($37 value)
  • BONUS 5: Strategies from Top Leaders ($67)
  • BONUS 6: Traffic Magic ($97 value)

Total Value: $589

Yours Today for $97... $9

Get the Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook

For Only $9 Today!

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The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook is an interactive blueprint that shows you how to "transform" your business to get more leads on auto-pilot and grow your business with REAL marketing strategies!

  • ​Unlimited Interested Leads
  • Perfect For Beginners & Professionals
  • ​No nagging, mass messaging, friend requesting, or home parties.
  • Set It Up Once & Grow Your Business 24/7

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook is an interactive blueprint that shows you how to "transform" your business to get more leads on auto-pilot and grow your business with REAL marketing strategies!

The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook is an interactive blueprint that shows you how to "transform" your business to get more leads on auto-pilot and grow your business with REAL marketing strategies!

  • Unlimited Interested Leads
  • ​Perfect For Beginners & Professionals
  • ​No nagging, mass messaging, friend requesting, or home parties.
  • Set It Up Once & Grow Your Business 24/7

If you're not maximizing the power of marketing and automation...

Then you’re missing out on the Real Time Freedom that comes with owning an online business...

(that you didn’t even know existed!)

I Created The Mompreneur Prospecting Playbook To Help You Learn How To Grow And Automate Your Business...

To Get A Consistent Stream Of Interested Leads For Your Business!

P.S. In case you're someone (like me lol) who just skips to the end of the page, here's the deal:

I want to show you how to "transform" your business by using a lead generating system. No more mass messaging, friend requesting random strangers, or nagging friends and family until they run away from you!

I give you the video blueprint that will walk you through what it is and how to set it up so that you can use it for your new or existing online business. PLUS HUGE bonuses that will help you grow your business beyond anything you've ever imagined. 

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

If fact, if you don't love the [Product Name] - I'll even give you a full refund PLUS let you keep the blueprint!

Click the button below to get your hands on this now. You won't regret it.

Mompreneur Lifestyle Secrets © 2022 - All Rights Reserved

Helping Entrepreneurs Find Freedom And Wealth Through Value, Integrity, and Real Marketing Strategies. 

Mompreneur Lifestyle Secrets © 2022. 

All Rights Reserved