The Auto-Recruiting Done For You Downline

Learn more about how I grow my downline

A business built WITHOUT hounding friends and family, spamming old friends, or sending awkward messages.

I GIVE you the funnels, scripts, templates, and everything in between... YEP that's right I share everything with my team so you can be up and running in no time.

Have a dream of building your own course?

I have you covered!

Want to create self liquidating offers? Done!

Want to grow something that makes a massive impact and can truly change lives? Me too! That's why I'm here!

I GIVE you the funnels, scripts, templates, and everything in between...

YEP that's right I share everything with my team so you can be up and running in no time.

Have a dream of building your own course? I have you covered! Want to create self liquidating offers? Done!

Want to grow something that makes a massive impact and can truly change lives? Me too! That's why I'm here!

My dream is to lock arms with women just like me. Go-getters, dreamers, and those who aren't afraid of putting in the work bc they know their freedom and biggest dreams are on the other side of it.

My dream is to lock arms with women just like me. Go-getters, dreamers, and those who aren't afraid of putting in the work bc they know their freedom and biggest dreams are on the other side of it.

Our Team Goals Behind Building A Business in MLM

Using REAL Marketing Methods...

Multiple Streams Of Income

I didn't get into this business to shove MLM products in the face of my family, friends, or even my audience. My goal is to deliver VALUE and an experience for people. I truly share the things I love. Food, clothes, great finds, hair products, things for my dog or kids, amazing and random things I use at home.

I didn't mention my MLM product ONCE there - did you notice that?! Yep I share that too but it's not all my audience sees. Because of these relationships and products I love I'm able to create TRUE PASSIVE income with MORE than "just" my MLM. My income comes from valuable content and resources I create, affiliations, sponsorships and YES of course my MLM!

Our Rule #1: They Come To YOU!

I do NOT drag and pull!!

I do NOT beg and plead!!

I do NOT send spammy messages!!

I do NOT "Hey Girl" people!!

I provide value to the world around me and attract those who have interest in what I can do for them. My goal is to SERVE my audience.

I put who I am and what I have to offer out to the world in different ways so the right people can find me.

They come to me!

Built On Our Personal Strengths And Passions

I LOVE my network marketing company. Like deep love them bc the products/programs LITERALLY changed my life. Truth is I would use these products and programs every day even if the business "opportunity" wasn't there. BUT - with all that said, my MLM is NOT my brand. People do NOT join me bc of the company. They join me bc of how I make them FEEL, bc of the SYSTEMS I can provide them, and bc I show them this is a SOLUTION to a problem they're having.

In general, people don't care about ingredients, facts, or science. Sure some do, but most don't They care about being part of something special and they care about what it can DO FOR THEM!

Our personal brand and business should be built around our passions & what brings us joy not on how many pictures you can post of our products every day - don't you think?

Earn Even If They Don't "Join" You!

Yes!! You read that right!

As you read above we aim for multiple streams of income bc you are MORE that the MLM you'd be part of. You have something special to offer the world. You have passions, strengths, and things you love. We tap into that and expand your income as an influencer beyond our MLM.

Sound like something you'd like to be part of?

Apply to join us below

Who Am I And Why Should You Join Me?

Hey There!

Let me share a bit about myself and how I got here....I'm Sue - I am a mom of 2, mom to the sweetest golden retriever, and wife of 1 LOL. I am also a woman who has had to really dig deep and uncover the reasons behind some serious health issues I've dealt with most of my adult life. It has been quit the road taking my health into my own hands and if I'm honest it's one of the HUGE reasons I love my MLM so much - it gave me the tools to put my healthy life in motion - even tho at the time when I started I really didn't expect much.

Unlike most people, I didn't join Network Marketing for the income. In fact, I had an incredible career already. My husband and I built a mortgage company together. It was our baby and it allowed us to build our dream home and live a pretty amazing life. It was a career that completely fulfilled me... that was, until we had kids. When our kids were born, we had an impossible decision to make. "Who would stay home?" Hubby handled the day to day BUT I carried the mortgage license. His part could be done from home BUT mine could not. That's why working within the walls of our office fell on my shoulders while he got to stay home.

I didn't know just how much of an impact this would have on me honestly until it happened. When the decision was made, I felt like I couldn't breath but what choice did I have? Don't get me wrong I was so thankful that I was able to provide the income so hubby could stay home with the kids as opposed to daycare but....

It killed my every day. "That should be me, I'm their mom, I'm the one who should be making them lunch, singing and playing with them, snuggling at nap time, and yes even cleaning up". It was unbearable for years. I cried day after day in my office. It ripped my heart from my chest when I'd call home and hear them laughing without me. "Mommy when are you coming home?" It was just too much.

So, NO I didn't join my MLM for the income - I joined it bc I needed help with my health and I later felt a burning desire for the chance at freedom so I could come home to my kids. Did I believe I could do it? I had no idea but I had to try.

I can't fully explain it but I just somehow knew it's where I was meant to be. It sounds cliche and silly but that's from my heart the truth. I didn't know how I would do it, I didn't know how long it would take and I had no following let alone the knowledge of facebook ads, marketing, or even how to build a Network Marketing business. All I knew is that I needed help with "taking care of me" and I needed a way out of the 80 hour work weeks that was the sole income of our household.

Fast forward about 4 years and I have a successful online course sharing how I took back my health, got off of ALL medication and began handling my hypothyroidism and every other health issue I had completely naturally - feeling better than I EVER have! I have multiple streams of income and feel I've grown my MLM business with integrity and purpose - NOT with the spammy tactics taught by many uplines and this was all BEFORE I ever thought about growing a team.

Here I am 6 years into this road with my MLM and I work entirely from home, continue to build courses and give value to my audience, have REAL passive income from multiple areas, and feeling like it's time to help others do the same.

I can't fully explain it but I just somehow knew it's where I was meant to be. It sounds cliche and silly but that's from my heart the truth. I didn't know how I would do it, I didn't know how long it would take and I had no following let alone the knowledge of facebook ads, marketing, or even how to build a Network Marketing business. All I knew is that I needed help with "taking care of me" and I needed a way out of the 80 hour work weeks that was the sole income of our household.

Fast forward about 4 years and I had a successful online course sharing how I took back my health, got off of ALL medication and began handling my hypothyroidism and every other health issue I had completely naturally - feeling better than I EVER have! I have multiple streams of income and feel I've grown my MLM business with integrity and purpose - NOT with the spammy tactics taught by many uplines and this was all BEFORE I ever thought about growing a team.

Here I am 6 years into this road with my MLM and I work entirely from home, continue to build courses and give value to my audience, have REAL passive income from multiple areas, and feeling like it's time to help others do the same.

Why Should You Join Me?

For a long time I've tried to figure out how to build a team without being the "hey girl" and the "if you could lose 10 lbs drinking something xyz would you do it" posts - because that's just not me! I like BUSINESS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the platform a quality Network Marketing company gives you to build a BUSINESS.... WHEN DONE RIGHT!!

Building my business has been exciting, has forced me to grow, and tap into my creative side. This is what I want for my team - These are the people I want to work with. Those excited to dream big, who are coachable, and go-getters. Those who know they are meant for more and WANT more from life. Those who want to create something valuable that can be shared with the world to help others. Those who want to lock arms, learn REAL business strategies, and who aren't afraid of failure bc they know failures are how we grow and become something better than we currently are.

I am looking for women who want to be partners in this business who want to grow together and who are excited to help others live an amazing, healthy life.

Sound like you?

For a long time I've tried to figure out how to build a team without being the "hey girl" and the "if you could lose 10 lbs drinking something xyz would you do it" posts - because that's just not me! I like BUSINESS and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the platform a quality Network Marketing company gives you to build a BUSINESS.... WHEN DONE RIGHT!!

Building my business has been exciting, has forced me to grow, and tap into my creative side. This is what I want for my team - These are the type of people I want to work with. Those excited to dream big, who are coachable, and go-getters. Those who know they are meant for more and WANT more from life. Those who want to create something valuable and make an impact on the world to help others. Those who want to lock arms, learn REAL business strategies, and who aren't afraid of failure bc they know failures are how we grow and become something better than we currently are.

I am looking for women who want to be partners in this business who want to grow together and who are excited to help others live an amazing, healthy life.

Sound like you?

The Digital Diva © 2023 - All Rights Reserved

Helping Entrepreneurs Find Freedom And Wealth Through Value, Integrity, and Real Marketing Strategies.